So, being new to flintlocks I just learned that the breach plug when tightened into the barrel must contact two (2) shoulders at the same time. One shoulder is in the base of the barrel where the breach plug threads stop and the rifling starts. The other shoulder is simply the end of the barrel.
The purpose, it seems, is to achieve two (2) metal-to-metal seals - one at each of the shoulders mentioned above, which seems difficult to achieve.
However, I've read that if the touch/vent/flash hole intersects the breach plug it's no big deal, merely grind a groove in the plug to allow the touch hole to communicate with the powder charge in the barrel. But in doing so, you lose one of the metal-to-metal seals. So presumably one (1) rather than two (2) metal-to-metal seals in acceptable?
Also, a face seal is not a very efficient seal for this application and trying to achieve two (2) of them simultaneously is beyond good engineering practice. Has anyone ever explored a single tapered metal-to-metal seal?
Perhaps a tapered seal is just too nontraditional for this application?
Am I asking too many questions?