I am not generally a load vocal member of the Historically Correct Police, but there have been topics on the Board lately to the effect, "C an I bolt a Flintlock onto a fill-in-the-blank."
Could someone knowledgeable document for me some of these late (1850-1870) flintlock plains rifles, Hawkens, Dimicks, Lemans, Vincents, et cetera that were originally built as half stocks AND were originally built with flintlocks?
I am not asking about New England rifles or the 1803 Harper's Ferry, these were not late. I am not asking about English rifles as by definition these are not American Long Rifles. Full stocks with broken off fore stocks that have been trimmed in order to salvage them also don't count, they weren't originally built as half stocks.
I am asking about these late half stock flintlocks that I keep hearing about. Maybe someone can show one, but I think they are an oddity at best.
Any builder can build any thing they want, who can stop them, but that doesn't make it good craft.