My lathe will run 32 rpms on the slowest speed. I don't remember what feed rate I used, but it took about 30 min or a little longer to make a pass thru the 42" blank. I didn't have any thing holding the wood backer on either. When the reamer came thru the barrel, I took the backer and shims off and backed the reamer thru the barrel for another pass. I wiped the bore with a patch and reoiled it. I added another paper shim for each pass. I had read in one of my old gun books, maybe Greener's, on how to make these and the source I read said to lightly round the trailing edge. I doubt if it would make much difference either way, as the trailing edge would be at such a shallow angle to the bore that it wouldn't do much cutting anyways. A tightly patched round ball pushes thru the finished bore smoothly with no change in resistance. A longer taper than I used on my reamer probably would result in a nicely choked bore for a shotgun, if you didn't ream all the way thru.