I'm been practicing my wire inlay and inletting technique and am making good progress, but am running into a problem during the finishing part.
I've inlet a brass 8 point star into maple, surrounded it with brass and silver wire inlay. After swelling with water and an overnight dry, I file nearly flush and then finish with an orbital sander. Black "dirt" appears in the grain of the wood. I suspect it's brass dust imbedded into the wood.
I've tried scraping with a scraper instead of the sander, it's better but the black still shows up in the wood grain. Even tried a scotchbrite pad to bring the brass to a polish, but the black comes back ( a little bit).
I've tried an alcohol wipe, no joy.
Is this something I have to live with? Is there a better way?
Eventually, the designs will go into a maple stock, finished with tannic acid and ferric nitrate. Will that cover the black stain or will it react in a negative way with the stain.
I've tried all the wood working tricks I know and am a loss here. Help