Sure can, but not without some monkey-ing around. The trigger guard might have to be replaced for one. Which means you'll either have to cut the lugs off the new one and repositioning them, to fit into the existing lug inletts File the sides down alittle to get the new triggerguard to fit in the front inlet and for the rear extension, you'll have to play with that. As for the trigger plate. Hoping that the wrist is thin enough to get those set triggers to work, will require some bending of the trigger plate, followed up by some careful filing of the plate to get the plate completely flush. If you need to go deeper with the triggers to get them to work, you might think of filing the bottom of the stock alittle, sand the bottom, and re-stain and refinish that area. If you have no problem getting the triggers to work, then put some masking tape, 2 layers on the stock on each side of trigger plate. This will help keeping the damage to a minimum. ... Geo.