Of course the loaded-in-the-dry cap & ball gun went
boom- or "splOOONK" in this case.
Now stand under the garden sprinkler wide open, with two large fans blowing erratically around, add some buck fever, and reload it and see how many shots it's good for.
Personally speaking, I love Rocklocks
for their complications and functional beauty and long history (and
lack of caps). They're perfectly
reliable enough for all I'm going to do with them. When hunting I keep my pan protected by the greasing it up (sealing it) with tallow from the grease hole. If a raindrop finds the pan or touchhole
during the firing event (after the cock travel has consumed most of the lock time), then I might not get ignition and that's a gamble I'm perfectly happy with. I'm hunting/shooting for
sport not survival. Also I make it "safe" by dumping the pan and inserting a quill into the touchhole. Easy peasy.