I am reading this book, the first in a trilogy about the American Revolution.....and it is outstanding!!!! Incredibly well researched and fascinatingly written. Atkinson has written a trilogy about the Second World War as well.....equally outstanding !!!
While reading this evening about Washington's retreat through New Jersey toward Trenton and Philadelphia, I came across this passage about the famous painter Charles Wilson Peale who served with the army. I would call your attention to the part about him making a "prized... firelock with a telescopic sight that he had built with help from the astronomer David Rittenhouse."
Anyone else ever heard of this ? And if so.....tell me again about "not historically correct sights" that are outlawed by some groups.....
And I love the fact that both Peale and Paul Revere made false teeth for people. Having worked all my young life as a dental technician in my Dad's laboratory, I can really identify with guys who make guns, teeth, silverware, and leatherwork !