Calbetzer, George - 1817-1850
See George KolpitzerNew Berlin/Union Township/Buffalo Township. His work has never been identified. At about the age of 60, he moved to Medina Co., Ohio where he was listed as a gunsmith. His name was also spelled Kolpitzer and Calpetser. He was born in 1790 but the date of his death in unknown.
Cox, George ca. 1860 Mifflin Co. identified by Gluckman
Derr, Christian 1817-1829 West Buffalo Township His work has never been identified, although Gluckman identifies a flintlock rifle signed C.D. and attributes it to Christian Durr who may have been from Oley Township, Berks Co. before moving to Snyder County. Laudenslager identifies Christian Derr, Sr. who worked in Union Co. before 1820, and Christian Derr, Jr. who lived in West Buffalo Township.
Derr, John unknown Laudenslager identifies him as a gunsmith who worked in the Shamokin/Upper Augusta Township areas of Northumberland County. He was the son of Michael Derr of Durham Township, Bucks County.

Detwiler, Chris ca. 1880 Bellville, Pa. identified by Gluckman.
Doebler, Henry 1835-1860 He worked in both Mifflinburg and New Berlin and signed some of his rifles H.D. Because he was first assessed as a gunsmith in Mifflinburg in 1835, he probably started his career there, possibly with the Dreisbachs. He made very nice rifles in the late flint and early percussion period. A fine rifle attributed to him is located at the Lycoming County Historical Society in Williamsport.
Dorman, Robert ca. 1880 Belltown, Mifflin Co., Pa. identified by Gluckman.
Dreisbach, Frederick unknown Lewisburg identified by Laudenslager. He later worked in Bloom Twp., Columbia County.
Dreisbach, George ca. 1835 Mifflinburg a member of the Dreisbach family of gunsmiths.
Dreisbach, Sr., John 1789-1829 Mifflinburg he produced some of the areas finest rifles. He was noted for his incised carving and fine engraving. John Lynn in Annals of Buffalo Valley identifies Dreisbach as one of the first persons assessed as a gunsmith in 1789. As he was one of the earliest gun makers in the area, he is also deserving of more research as a gunsmith who probably had considerable influence on the development of the Snyder County Style. He was probably the son of the gun maker Martin Dreisbach who was born in 1717.

Dreisbach, Jr., John - 1820-1850 Mifflinburg He was one of the more prolific makers in the area. His guns often had very nice patchboxes and numerous inlays. He died in1869.
Laudenslager suggests that he was possibly the nephew of John Dreisbach, Sr.
Dreisbach,Jr., John signed JD , attributed to John Dreisbach, Jr.

Dreisbach, Samuel 1817-1838 Mifflinburg another member of the Dreisbach family who like other members of his family produced carved and inlaid rifles. Later in his life he moved to Pickaway County, Ohio.
Dreisbach, Samuel Gun #1

Dreisbach, ( Samuel or John) ( Julia Auction 2008)

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