Thanks for all the great advice! I took the lock off today and the barrel and found more markings. It's amazing to me that I may be able to track down who and where the parts of the gun were produced and when.
With the attached photos and notes below, do you think I can track down where and when it was produced? I don't think I am using the right terminology but I'm pretty sure you will understand my notes
My observations:
1) 38 1/2 inch barrel
2) No Rifling
3) On side of lock it looks like there is a standing lion
4) On top of the barrel there is a Crown with a GP and below that a Crown with a V
5) On the barrel, near the nipple (?) is a K8 stamp, K8 is also stamped on the end of the barrel unseen unless you remove the barrel
6) On the nipple (?) is what looks like a J5
7) On the inside of the lock I see an M12 and it looks like the name J BRAZIR…
On the underside of the barrel, near the nipple (?) is stamped K6, a cursive L3 and below that a lower case nd, 2, P. To the right of that is a cursive H with a 5 below that
9) At the very end of the barrel there is an “M” stamped in it, right below the tang(?) on the end of the barrel
10) At the other end of the barrel, where the bayonet clips in, it is one piece and not soldered in like some of the barrels I have seen
I tried to get the butt plate off but will need a finer screwdriver. I had a narrow flat screwdriver but could tell I was about to to damage the screw head
Again thank you for the help and encouragement. I've never fired a black powder rifle but watched live demos and can't wait to give this a try