I've done quite a bit of reading on this, but I feel like the different methods of different people are just blending together. So, I'd like a check on what I'm planning on doing here. The major point I'm not sure on is metal finishing/wood finishing when the furniture is steel and the stock will be scraped.
Reminder- all furniture is steel. Planning on a scraped not sanded wood finish
1- final shaping. wood flush with edges of buttplate.
2- metal finishing - file various metal with wood (inlays, butt plate edges), sand steel furniture after filing while on the gun as much as possible ( 220, 340, 400, blend w maroon 3M). Put all furniture back on stock if not installed.
3- use cherry red from MBS to harden screw heads after sanding/finishing
4- scrape stock
5- whisker stock
6- stain stock, whisker if needed
6b- burnish stock
7- seal stock
8- finish stock
9- sights on barrel
10- apply brass black to steel furniture while off gun and rub back w 0000 steel wool or maroon. 3M
11- install furniture