Dillon, you can see them on Mr. Shipley's facebook page.
There were 3 articles in a quarterly magazine (now out of business) a few years ago "Journal of Early Americas" by Kevin Gladysz Galenas and Ken Hamilton, titled "French Knives in North America". Part 1 flatin clasp knives, Part 2, samois knives, Part 3 Boucheron knives. The pdf downloads can be found here and there on the internet but i'm not going to post the links because i don't think they have the authors permission, but they're awesome and worth searching the net . The same 2 wrote a 3 part series on French axes. Gelinas is Canadian, speaks French, and translated lots of old writings and is an incredible researcher on what was the New France area of America, he used to have a website full of fascinating stuff. A few years ago he wrote the ultimate book on French fusils, i saw it several times at a muzzleloader supply i go to, but was too stupid to grab one. Now it's out of print and he said unlikely to be available again.