Well, in regards to Photo #2 & 3 - I introduced my "C-Straight Drilling Jig" back in the early-mid '90's and sold them through the Classified Section in "Muzzle Blasts" Magazine for a while. I got the Idea, as many folk have, from Buchele's "Recreating the American Longrifle", but found a simpler way by using inexpensive Harbor Freight Edging Clamps. Back then, the clamps could be had on sale for a few dollars. I sourced out drill guide bushings from a supplier that was down the street from my Lighting Business, and one of the swivel clamp's threaded rod served as the locating/centering pin. I din't have a lathe, so I hadda turn the rod's point by hand on a bench grinder with a jig. Crude, but it worked well enough.
No doubt others came up with similar jigs before and after, but I never saw one Advertised until mine was available for a while, then Mountain State Muzzleloading made a more versatile version (offered with more bushings) in the late '90s, and others followed, as well as many shop-made tools.