Where is St.Genevieve located. This thread reminds me of my father many years ago talking about a "Steak"house in Chicago and he was will to wager a good sum on money that these "Steaks"at one time had pulled milk delivery wagons all over Chicago.When my mother and I came to Huntington WVa in 1947 it still had a horse drawn milk delivery called Guyan Creamery.Also an ice delivery for those who had no electric refrigerator..Getting back to shooting for groceries I shot for and won a basket of groceries near Portsmouth,Ohio,won it and gave it to a man who really needed them.I think this was in 1958 and the rifle I used was one I made with the FIRST barrel Bill Large made when he got his big shop going.It was a 58 caliber,one inch by thirty three with a one in forty four inch twist.I sold it in 1963 and it later went to Tweedle Dee the Wonder Dummy who left it in a rowboat that got 4"of water in it from a storm.I later made a representation of a rifle in our museum with a 58 caliber Bill Large barrel and he concaved the lands in that barrel and it later had a full length Malcolm telescope mounted and I got good results out to 399 yards which was the distance from the firing line to a big tree on Bill's personal range using hollow based bullets and with round and 120 grains of Curtis&Harvey 3fg it was almost as good as the hollow base Minies.NONE went out of the none ring on the standard NMLRA target.
Bob Roller