Interesting. Couldn't load a thicker patch, but could load 2 thin ones. VERY Interesting.
In Taylor's .50 Rice barrel, we tried a .508" ball with .020" denim. It loaded just fine
and of course the patch was unharmed, just as his load of 85gr. 2F and .495" ball with
.020" denim worked fine as well. However, if increasing the powder charge over that 85
gr., the patch had to be thickened to 10 ounce denim as it was "on the edge" with the
85gr. load. The deep rifling needs thicker patching with heavier loads.
IIRC, Sam Fadala had to go to a patch over the powder to protect the ball's patch from burning out.
Had he gone to a thicker patch, he would not have needed the patch between the powder and his
patched ball.