People often like clear cut standards, but in my mind it's not that simple. A gun with perfectly clean carving can be fantastic as can one with tool marks all over it. I believe it's the design and resulting concept that matters. In one sense, you can think of tool marks as part of the design.
Another thing that should be noted, is that tool marks are not all equal. A highly skilled carver can leave texture that is relatively uniform and reflects his skill with chisels and gouges. Someone with less skill may leave torn grain or allow the corners of chisels to dig in etc. These are very different levels of workmanship.
With this said, If someone wants to emulate a lower level of workmanship there's nothing at all wrong with that! In fact some might think it's more appropriate.
What matters for me most is the impact of the final design and creation. Does it grab you. Lots of ways to make something that does this.