It does not take a genius to get a nice cc finish, it takes time. A 320 grit sanded finish is adequate but the sanding marks need to be unidirectional. CC's do not build up or hide as browning does, if anything, it will amplify any boo-boos. The biggest problem facing a person wanting to CC a gun or parts is the need for an oven or furnace that can maintain 1400 degrees for a couple of hr's. and the very real danger of warping your parts when they are quenched; if that happens, they are toast, as they have already been fitted to their mating parts and they are going to be darn near "diamond" hard; the only choice is to anneal and start over. In summery, it is not real difficult, it is time consuming, there is a risk of failure, the results, when properly achieved, are worth it.