I have a Nicholson #49 paternmakers rasp. I am currently involved in my 1st build with a blank stock. My #49 rasp has been put to the test many times over the last 30 days of on and off building ( I work in a paper mill, it requires a lot of my time.)
While the #49 has done a fair job of taking off wood when required, I cannot help but ask myself, " Wonder how much quicker this job would be with one of those Auriou rasps they keep on harping about?"
Just for the record, for anyone who may be following my progress on this build, (You know who you are,) its coming along OK, so far. The barrel is inlet, the ramrod channel is formed and the ramrod hole is drilled. 95% + of the profile has been cut out. I have found one thing to be true, for every 1 question answered by experience, 2 more pop up in its place. Kinda like weeds.
One more thing. This blank is a #3 grade sugar maple from Dunlaps, so I'm not ruining an extra fine piece of curly maple.
Best Regards to you all, Eric Smith