Tom Pike's blockhouse was built using old telephone poles, (he may have worked for a utility company). Still and all, it looked pretty good. He had a nice museum in it on both floors. I recall a mounted Passinger Pidgeon on display. There were some guns and frontier things also, but to see the collection of KY Rifles you really had to go inside his home. It was a story and a half as I recall with large rooms. Tom and I did some business so I was invited in. Well, after the initial shock wore off; (there were rifles standing upright around all of the walls of every room that I saw). There were more upstairs, in all the closets, under the beds and couches. Talk about a collection of good guns!!! I saw and handled many of them including the Edwards. It is indeed a great one and the best. It was used a lot and the carving is considerably worn. I may have held it too covetously as he quickly said that it was not available. Tom was a good guy and so was his wife. She was a crack shot and held titles in ML shooting. At this point I don't know if the blockhouse survived after the Pikes or not. You know, these people like them are not being replaced; wonder where our avocation is heading?