I found this on the internet concerning the Tennessee Rifle. Slim pickings considering all the books that have been written about other states and their rifle development.
TENNESSEE RIFLES By Robin C. Hale A paper presented at the Fall, 1970 meeting of the American Society of Arms Collectors at Houston, Texas
This is particularly interesting.
"Many collectors think of the typical Tennessee rifle as one which is relatively plain, is iron-mounted, and has a banana-shaped patchbox or sometimes a grease-hole in the buttstock. This is true regarding many of the rifles made in the upper East Tennessee counties and to a lesser extent, or rifles made elsewhere in East Tennessee. To consider this style of rifle as typical of all Tennessee rifles, however, would be like considering the distinctive Bedford County rifles as typical examples of Pennsylvania "Kentuckies." Later on, we will look at photographs of a number of rifles from East and Middle Tennessee, including some which vary from the able common to the upper East Tennessee region."