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Gun Building / Re: Barrel Bending
« Last post by bluenoser on Today at 03:49:20 PM »
It is surprising nobody has an opinion on the best bend location for sight correction.
Items for Sale/Wanted / Re: FS Caywood English .58 Rifle
« Last post by Jerry on Today at 03:46:11 PM »
flathead1911, PM sent.
Gun Building / Re: Finished Chambers Fowler
« Last post by PEARL DRUMS on Today at 03:37:35 PM »
Very nice gun. A fowler is on my short list. After I learn how to build the first one, of course :).
Straight, tapered, swamped octagons, same with round barrels, and also octagon to round,   All of them.

Gun Building / Traditionally, were halfstock rifles ever made with
« Last post by Kurt on Today at 09:13:04 AM »
swamped barrels? Thank you.
Contemporary Accoutrements / Re: Silver "Memento Mori" Cups
« Last post by Curtis on Today at 08:29:38 AM »
Those are just awesome, Mitch!  Well done.  And fun to look at too boot!

Gun Building / Re: color case needed for hammer
« Last post by Curtis on Today at 08:23:01 AM »
Tom Snyder has already been mentioned, but I want to add that his color case "coloration" will be closer to period correct than many others.

Items for Sale/Wanted / Re: Wanted Percussion Cap Tins
« Last post by Scota4570 on Today at 08:04:17 AM »
I wish I had some to send. 

I have bought similar tins from Joann fabric. They had various sizes.   Maybe other craft stores have them too?

These guys have them in spades:

Black Powder Shooting / Re: Using Mink Oil as patch lubricant
« Last post by Daryl on Today at 07:40:47 AM »
They shot those longer ranges with the bullet shooting rifles, not patched round balls.
When shooting in very humid or damp days, the only patching out needed that isn't needed in dry weather  is wiping out the pan before priming.
Black Powder Shooting / Re: 8 pt with the Bruton
« Last post by cordite on Today at 07:34:25 AM »
Yes, nice to see one taken with a flintlock and no 4 wheeler in sight.
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