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Gun Building / Re: Schweitzer pistol build
« Last post by B.Barker on December 27, 2024, 05:03:14 AM »
That's a very handsome pistol. I love a good looking pistol and admire folks that actually like building them.
Black Powder Shooting / Re: December 2024 Postal Match
« Last post by foresterdj on December 27, 2024, 04:59:03 AM »
But I have no ball in the upper left, so zero there. Upper right, lower left and lower right all in their box, 5 each. I suppose the one that was supposed to be in the black dot, but just knicks it (certainly not a half ball inside, though that was not specified in the rules) could be counted as the center plus/not dot for a 5. The one that was supposed to be in the lower arm of the plus is clearly a zero since it is all heavy black line, which is outlawed. So, a 20 out of 30 would be generous, and only possible if you ignore where the shots were supposed to go.

If weather improves, I may try again. But someone else should enter and win because if I win as the only entry the target game will stay the same for another month.
Black Powder Shooting / Re: .54 Rifle Loads
« Last post by Darkhorse on December 27, 2024, 04:51:38 AM »
For over 25 years my goto load in my colrain .54 barrel has been 80 grains 3fg, .018 pillow ticking patch, and the much hated, much maligned bore butter for the lube. I started shooting the bore butter with a previous .54 with good success. It shoots just as good with the colrain and won't rust the barrel when kept loaded.
FWIW, my .40 Rice doesn't get the BB treatment.
Contemporary Accoutrements / Re: Silver "Memento Mori" Cups
« Last post by teakmtn on December 27, 2024, 04:43:35 AM »
Black Powder Shooting / Re: 8 pt with the Bruton
« Last post by Darkhorse on December 27, 2024, 04:41:09 AM »
Nice buck Wattle. You can always be counted on to get the job done. Due to health and land problems this is the third year I haven't been able to hunt. It's good to see some of the old crowd are still getting it done.
Maybe next year will be better for me.
Gun Building / Re: Engraving for hire?
« Last post by P.Bigham on December 27, 2024, 04:37:43 AM »
Can you PM me pictures or a reference book ? I have numerous books on engraving
Items for Sale/Wanted / Inletting mallets for sale
« Last post by J Shingler on December 27, 2024, 04:25:48 AM »
I have turned a couple mallets. I use mine for inletting. The hammer style is lighter at 6 or. It has a curly maple head and walnut handle. On end is flat and the other is domed. $46 delivered in lower 48 states.

The second one is all one piece curly maple. Slight curl.  Aqua fortice and oil finish. It weighs in at 10.1 oz I probably use this one more for standard inletting due to the extra weight. $36. Delivered to lower 48

Black Powder Shooting / Re: This years elk
« Last post by Jeff Murray on December 27, 2024, 04:18:41 AM »
Good work.  That load has some thump!
Black Powder Shooting / Re: 8 pt with the Bruton
« Last post by Jeff Murray on December 27, 2024, 04:16:35 AM »
That must have been a very satisfying day for so many reasons.  Congratulations
Items for Sale/Wanted / Re: Kibler/Edwards .40 SMR
« Last post by Cody B on December 27, 2024, 04:14:01 AM »
your cashiers check should be arriving any day now,, let me know when it does Please
I will
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