On our trail walk, target 13 is now a "steel heart", but used to be a fox target. The actual range is 92 yards. Oft times when watching the target with binocs,
I've seen the balls arcing to the target. I have observed balls from Hatchet Jack's 20 bore smoothie, fired with just 65gr. of 2F powder, arcing to the target only
to see them in the last few yards, arc sideways, or down (never up) and miss the target by 3'. At what range they are curving away, I do not know exactly. Of
course, while watching, they seem to do it in the last split second. What is also interesting that watching the balls from Norm's 20 bore, fired with 85gr. 3F GOEX,
there is ZERO arcing of the balls. They travel in a much shallower arc to the target and do not curve away from their trajectory. There is a lesson here, how many
here, will "get it"?