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Black Powder Shooting / Re: December 2024 Postal Match
« Last post by foresterdj on Today at 02:08:15 AM »
OK, somebody else needs to put in a target, because neither of these deserve to win by default.

Weather not as nice as hoped. 32 degrees, light mist, good breeze at my back. Kind of a damp cold. Targets would have stuck to the wet target board without staples and pealed off in soggy bits.

This was my squirrel rifle a.k.a. Clementine, .36 shooting 40 gr FFFg, .020 neatsfoot lubed patch a .350 RB. Used 4F prime. After a few shots I had to start wiping the black mud out of the pan or it would soak the prime of the new load.

I labeled the targets for where the shot was supposed to go, with the score.

Target 1, a 15 out of 30.

Target 2, a 10 out of 30

Gun Building / Re: Finished Chambers Fowler
« Last post by Woodpecker on Today at 02:08:13 AM »
Very nice work. Let us know how it patterns.
Price Drop
Black Powder Shooting / Re: This years elk
« Last post by wattlebuster on Today at 01:32:30 AM »
Excellent. Fine eats there
Items for Sale/Wanted / Re: Want to engage a rifle maker
« Last post by Frozen Run on Today at 12:50:26 AM »
There are a lot of great builders, but Brian Barker is my absolute favorite. A lot of builders you just can't get on their list or they're in some form of retirement. If Brian's willing to build you a gun, then I would jump on it.
Gun Building / Re: Finished Chambers Fowler
« Last post by godutch on Today at 12:38:50 AM »
 Oh that's very nice!  Sleek and clean all-around !
Black Powder Shooting / Re: This years elk
« Last post by smylee grouch on December 26, 2024, 11:46:57 PM »
Good shooting👌
Black Powder Shooting / This years elk
« Last post by Elk Hunter on December 26, 2024, 11:21:28 PM »
November 09, 2024 opening morning 0715 hours rag horn bull walking at 95 yards. The rifle is a Pedersoli "African Hunter" 12 bore. The load 100 grains of Dupont 2 FG a .714 dia. soft lead ball with a .012 linen greased patch. The ball struck just in the crease behind the left shoulder and put a finger size hole thru the heart. You can see the exit on the right shoulder. Motive operations ceased is less than 25 yards. Now I have to wait until next year and hope I draw a tag.

Items for Sale/Wanted / Leather hunting pouch
« Last post by EAshlee on December 26, 2024, 10:40:19 PM »
Here's the last remaing hunting pouch I have available and I've lowered the price one last time. This one is a vega tan piece with a nice linen liner. The pouch measures 9" × 7" with a little pocket. Just $65 shipped and insured in the US.

Gun Building / Re: First effort
« Last post by JeffG on December 26, 2024, 10:39:49 PM »
Good start! Watching...
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